Limit 3 videos per book title.
Content should be limited to: G, PG, PG-13/TV-14 ratings.
English Video’s only (Text or Audio content must be English).
By uploading a video, you are guaranteeing you hold the necessary worldwide rights/copyright, etc., to allow you to do so. You are authorizing this site a non-exclusive free license to display your video to users. You also agree that Book Video Trailers can store a copy of your video to use for presentation to the users. You agree that this site may, at some point, display ads on the site or in the video stream. Only upload content where the material would be categorized as G, PG, or PG-13/TV-14. Failure to adhere to the content policies may result in content being removed and account bans. Do not select more than 3 categories. The user adding the video is responsible for the content of that video. The content of the video must be a promo / trailer for a book.